PROMPT I business strategies
improving performance and growing businesses
Improving performance involves thinking clearly - reaching decisions (sometimes difficult ones)
and driving change – all at pace.
For successful Turnaround timing is always an
enemy and doesn’t forgive a slow or false start.
Characteristics of Turnaround...
A burning platform
Lack of cash
Breach of covenants
Creditor stretch
Taken on more loans to aid working capital
Need for data quickly so informed decisions can be made
Need for strong “stakeholder management”to help stabilise the situation
A team of seasoned professionals across multi-disciplines covering all aspects of Turnaround ... Operations, Financial Accounting, Property, Sales and Marketing strategies, Corporate Structures.
PROMPTS offering...
For your Company...
We create a clear deliverable turnaround plan
Provide strong cash flow and creditor management
Drive performance improvement
Provide good Stakeholder management/communication (Bank, Legal & Accountancy firms)
We deliver restructuring and refinance where needed
We bring PROMPTS track record of delivering positive outcomes
For your Advisors...
(Banks, Panel Accountancy Firms, Legal
We have strong Case Studies to highlight PROMPTS credentials
Our previous successful partnering with professional firms has delivered positive outcomes.
With PROMPT the business is safe in experienced hands, protecting Reputational Risk.
The knowledge that proactive engagement as early as possible brings about positive outcomes.