PROMPT I business strategies
improving performance and growing businesses
CoViD-19 - A Different Point of View
Since experiencing CoViD-19 UK lockdown in March we had to rapidly rethink the approach to business turnaround. Normally we were dealing with businesses that had experienced a change, loss of customer, management challenges, greater competition etc. This was different the “rule book” had just been rewritten; the phrase 'New Normal' appeared!
All human emotions were experienced by our clients, and us, from denial, disbelief, shock, need to do something, to then getting a plan of recovery together. We started with stabilising many businesses through stringent cost management, securing government support including Furlough, CBILS / CLBILS loans/ Rate relief etc.
All this bought time but does not change the underlying economic challenge. The sector plays such a key factor as to what is needed and for how long. As a leading turnaround business we have the experience to bring about rapid change, but CoViD-19 has rewritten the rule book.
Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance
Consumer buying behaviours have changed forever. Customers and
investors are far more interested in companies who have built in good
ESG practices.
Thinking and acting on ESG in a proactive way has lately become even more important. Suppliers, distributors, and contractors are deciding which companies or organisations to do business with based on ESG factors.
A strong ESG proposition can safeguard a company’s long-term success.
ESG is already proving itself linked to cash flow in five important ways:
(1) facilitating top-line growth
(2) reducing costs
(3) minimizing regulatory and legal interventions
(4) increasing employee productivity
(5) optimizing investment and capital expenditures.
Alongside climate, biodiversity, and other environmental concerns, social
issues including worker wellbeing are now paramount to investment.
Regulatory responses to emissions will likely affect energy costs and especially the balance sheets of carbon-intense industries.