PROMPT I business strategies
improving performance and growing businesses
Improving Performance:
Is the business underperforming?
If so...what has changed?
Changes in consumer buying behaviour:​
impacting sales
​Change in cost of sale, material, logistics:
margin erosion
Strain on working capital
Breaching covenants
Need for additional funding (working capital / growth capital)​
Need for clear Strategic Plan.
Leads to Growth:
PROMPT Offers:
A team of seasoned professionals across multiple disciplines (from operations, financial accounting,
property, sales & marketing strategies, corporate
" We are a dedicated team with substantive hands-on experience and contacts that we bring to bear in whatever we do for our clients.
We want you to succeed."
founder & CEO
How we help:
PROMPT Business Mapping
Developed by PROMPT, our unique method for
evaluating key areas of a business so that you...
Know where you are now
Know where you want to be
Know how to get there
What we do...
Evaluate quick wins
Determine medium/longer term actions
Secure funding if required
Establish timescales to action plan
Lists the actions needed to be taken by
management, PROMPT or other.